Justin Elikofer, DDS

Dr. Justin Elikofer has been practicing in the Tampa, Florida, area for five years with the goal to provide predictable and long-lasting dentistry to benefit patients’ health. He received his dental degree from Indiana University in 2016 after completing his Master of Science. He is a member of the American Dental Association® and is a maritime captain’s license holder. To this day, he still continually strives to further his education and has completed the 3D Dentist Implant Continuum to serve quality implant dentistry for his patients.

Rodney Holcombe, DDS

Dr. Holcombe is originally from Richmond, Virginia. His interest in the dental industry originated from a mentorship experience with his own dentist in high school. Along with his cousin, Mitzi Gill, and Dr. William Gill, Holcombe studied how to become a master dentist.

He attained his bachelor’s in psychology from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He later went on to receive a Doctor of Dental Surgery in 1986 from the Medical College of Virginia. At the University of Maryland in Baltimore, he completed a general practice residency in advanced general dentistry.

In 1987, Dr. Holcombe joined Dr. William Gill’s practice and opened a brand-new practice in Tampa in 1991. After purchasing that very practice, Dr. Holcombe opened our current location in Tampa Palms.

Dr. Holcombe was a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, where he learned leading-edge cosmetic treatments. He is a fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, which allows him to stay updated with the latest techniques in the evolving dental industry. Dr. Holcombe has also mentored the Hornbrook Group on anterior aesthetics and live patient treatment.

His experience with the Pankey Institute and the Pete Dawson Group provided him with information to help patients with bite and TMJ issues. He received training from the Misch International Implant Institute — a world-renowned institution for implant training. He has completed a course from the Institute of Facial Aesthetics and a course from Nobel BioCare USA. He has also received hands-on training from Dr. Tom Balshi, the creator of Teeth-in-a-Day, at the PI Institute.

Dr. Holcombe takes pride in providing clients with beautiful smiles in the cosmetic and dental implant industry. He utilizes advanced techniques to complete accurate restorations for Teeth-in-a-Day and to make patients feel comfortable with sedation dentistry. Our team is dedicated to providing our patients with complete understanding and personalized dental care.

Dr. Holcombe is married to Christine Beck, who is the Hillsborough County attorney. He enjoys golf, working out, hot yoga, and playing with his chickens and dogs on his farm in Citrus County.

Dr Justin Elikofer 813-972-9077

Dr Justin Elikofer 15303 Amberly Drive, Suite D, Tampa, FL 33647